Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Addictive Behaviours and ADHD

I recently came across an article by Dr. Peter Jaksa on the ADDitude site, The ADHD & Addiction Link: Addictive Behaviors in Adults Explained. The article unravels the intricate connection between ADHD and addictive behaviours in adults. This captivating article unveils the often-overlooked struggles many adults experiencing ADHD face, delving into various forms of addiction, from substances to behaviours and even food.

Dr. Jaksa opens the door to a realm where managing ADHD intersects with the challenges of addictive behaviours. He dismisses the myth of a direct genetic link, instead shedding light on the complex web woven by behavioural, emotional, and life factors. For those experiencing ADHD, the thrill-seeking nature and pursuit of instant gratification become common threads, making them more susceptible to addictive behaviours.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

What Happens When ADHD Goes Undiagnosed

One of ADDitude’s top articles in 2023 was “How Undiagnosed ADHD Triggers Depression and Anxiety.”

The article, by Dr. Nelson M. Handal, explores the link between ADHD, depression and adults and reveals staggering statistics—18% of adults experiencing ADHD also battle major depressive disorder, and half experience anxiety. Dr. Handal stresses a crucial point: ADHD doesn't exist in isolation; its impact escalates when undiagnosed or untreated.

Undiagnosed or untreated ADHD leaves a trail of emotional turmoil for both children and adults. The symptoms, from impulsivity to poor planning, hinder success in various life domains. The constant battle against challenges leads to feelings of inadequacy and failure. Dr. Handal unpacks the emotional baggage—anger, resentment, and worthlessness—that often accompanies undiagnosed ADHD, setting the stage for depression and anxiety.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Time Blindness and ADHD

Time Blindness and ADHD

Time blindness is a term often used in the context of ADHD. It refers to a common difficulty that individuals with ADHD experience in accurately perceiving and managing the passage of time.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Unveiling the Layers: Navigating ADHD Masking, Positive Strategies, and Achieving Balance

Embarking on the journey of living with ADHD reveals a tapestry rich with unique experiences far beyond the conventional narratives of hyperactivity and distractibility. Let’s explore a lesser-known dimension of ADHD - the phenomenon of ADHD masking. Coined by psychologist Russell Barkley, this term encapsulates the conscious or unconscious modification of behaviour by individuals with ADHD to appear as if they do not harbour the disorder. Our journey involves unravelling the layers of what ADHD masking entails, scrutinizing its prevalence, dissecting its concerns, distinguishing it from positive strategies, and offering insights for those navigating the labyrinth of ADHD.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

ADHD Guidebooks: Embracing Your Uniqueness

Experiencing ADHD presents unique challenges but has incredible strengths waiting to be unleashed. remind you of the three guidebooks tailored just for you. Whether you want to understand the dynamics of the ADHD brain, embrace the gifts it brings, or master the art of self-care, these guides are here to support your journey. Let's dive into the essence of each guide and explore how they can empower you to unlock your potential and thrive with ADHD.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

What Most People Want Others to Know About Their Experience with ADHD

What Most People Want Others to Know About Their Experience with ADHD

Today, I came upon this article, 9 Things People with ADHD Want You to Know, published on Amen Clinics’ website. Being an adult experiencing ADHD, I thought I’d weigh in on these nine things with my own take on these truths.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Navigating the ADHD Coaching Journey Together: A Guide for Non-ADHD Partners

Navigating the ADHD Coaching Journey Together: A Guide for Non-ADHD Partners

Embarking on the journey of ADHD coaching is a significant step towards managing ADHD more effectively. While your partner is on this path of self-improvement, it's natural to want to be an encouraging and positive force. Let’s explore practical examples and tips to enhance your understanding and support in a positive and encouraging manner.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

ADHD is Not a Trend - Unraveling the Complexities: The Genuine Rise in ADHD Diagnoses, Especially Among Adult Women

In recent years, there has been a notable increase in ADHD diagnoses, shedding light on the prevalence of this neurodevelopmental disorder. While skeptics may view this rise as a passing trend, it is essential to recognize the legitimacy of ADHD, especially considering the specific increases in diagnoses among adult women. Let’s investigate nuanced reasons behind the growing recognition of ADHD, particularly in adult women, and why it is not a trend.

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adhdtips, adhdwomen Lisa Heron adhdtips, adhdwomen Lisa Heron

Navigating the Dating Scene with ADHD: Empowering Women for Fulfilling Connections

Understanding the dynamics of ADHD and how it intersects with our rich life experiences and wisdom is essential for fostering successful and fulfilling connections. ADHD infuses our lives with creativity and perspective, offering strengths that enhance the depth of connections. Let’s explore practical tips, connecting each suggestion to the underlying reasons rooted in both ADHD challenges and the distinct characteristics of this life stage.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Understanding the Link Between ADHD and Sleep Problems: Strategies for Improved Sleep

An article from the Sleep Foundation discusses the link between ADHD and sleep. Sleep problems are prevalent in 25-50% of individuals with ADHD, with issues ranging from insomnia to secondary sleep conditions. Recognizing the connection between ADHD and sleep is crucial for managing symptoms and enhancing the quality of life.

  • Individuals with ADHD are more prone to sleep problems, beginning around puberty and continuing into adulthood.

  • Sleep problems vary based on ADHD type, with inattentive types having later bedtimes, hyperactive-impulsive types experiencing insomnia, and combined types facing both issues.

  • Many ADHD symptoms mirror those of sleep deprivation, leading to potential misdiagnoses. Screening for sleep problems before prescribing ADHD medication is recommended.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

ADHD Diagnoses in Women

SouthWest Londoner focussed on ADHD in a recent article: The rise of ADHD diagnoses: why are so many women falling through the cracks?

The article explores the increasing awareness and diagnosis of ADHD in women, shedding light on the challenges and reasons behind the rise in ADHD diagnoses among females. ADHD, traditionally associated with children, is now recognized as a lifelong condition affecting a significant number of adults. The symptoms of ADHD can vary, and there are different subtypes, with rates of diagnosis being higher in males, particularly for hyperactive ADHD.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Do Noise-Cancelling Headphones Work for People Experiencing ADHD?

A recent article in Health, a publication focusing on healthy lifestyles for women, researched the use of noise-cancelling headphones and their benefits for ADHD. For People with ADHD, Headphones Can Make It Easier to Work or Study—Here’s Why

The article discusses how noise-cancelling headphones may benefit individuals with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who struggle to concentrate in distracting environments, such as shared office spaces. ADHD can make external noises more distracting due to lower levels of dopamine, a chemical that aids in attention. The article suggests that noise-cancelling headphones can help individuals with ADHD by blocking out everyday sounds that may cause them to lose focus.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

ADHD Life Hack for Staying Organized

ADDitude Magazine has a great article on staying organized this month: The Stay-Organized ADHD Hack for Everyday Life. The organizational hack shared in this article is one that I think almost all of us could manage easily, and it would definitely be a game changer!

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Calls for ADHD Research

“Experts called for more research focused on ADHD in girls and women in a panel in New York City last Thursday.” (January 18, 2024) Fierce Healthcare

A panel in New York City highlighted the need for more research on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in women and girls. The National Institutes of Health, funded only one study on ADHD and women in 2023, which experts find unacceptable due to the rising rates of ADHD diagnoses among women. Possible factors contributing to this increase include growing awareness facilitated by social media, such as TikTok, and major events like the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

ADHD Diagnosis in Adulthood: One Woman’s Perspective

yahoo!life had a great article about ADHD this month. Read What It’s Like to Be Diagnosed with—and Manage—ADHD as a Grown-Ass Woman. Written in interview format, the author asks questions about symptoms, diagnosis, and how one woman manages her ADHD.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Debunking Myths: Understanding the Realities of ADHD

Living with ADHD can be a complex journey, often marked by unique challenges and misconceptions. If you have ADHD and have disclosed it to others, you've likely encountered comments like, "But doesn't everyone have ADHD?" or "Isn't it just the new flavour of the week, now everyone has it?" or even, "Why do so many people have ADHD now compared to the past?"

How do you answer these questions?

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Navigating the Digital Landscape: Social Media, ADHD, Doomscrolling, and Strategies for Balance

The relationship between ADHD and social media can be complex. The interactions provide us with those dopamine hits that our ADHD brains crave. Social media was created for sharing our accomplishments, worries, and events; however, what sometimes happens to women experiencing ADHD is that we are more likely to become invested in the responses than others. Managing social media use is a healthy way to support our ADHD brains.

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Lisa Heron Lisa Heron

Understanding How ADHD Affects Adult Women: Breaking Free from People-Pleasing

People-pleasing behaviours often disrupt relationships among individuals experiencing ADHD, driving them toward codependency. In codependent relationships, individuals often sacrifice their needs, preferences, and aspirations to cater to their partner's desires. This relentless prioritization of their partner's happiness leads to enmeshment, where the boundaries between the individuals blur.

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